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Subject: Re: FLASH: Inserting a object problem!
From: Maff
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 23:40:31 +0100


>I�m having trouble when Inserting a a .gif or .jpg. the quality on those
>pictures gets poor. It is the text logo at the end. I understand that the
>when it is enlarged gets poorer quality, but when in the end when it is in
>scale 1:1 I don�t get it.

Are you absolutely, totally, sure it's 1:1? Like, really and truly? :)

At the last frame, you've got two versions of the logo on-screen.. and
they're not the same size.. which is which? The jaggy distortion on the
diagonals really seems to indicate that the scale is out horizontally.

Also, when the really big logo slides past, Flash drops the "High Quality"
check from the menu. This is either something you've done through an
FS_Command, or the player is doing it automatically on my PC to compensate
for frame rate.. because it's not turned back on after that, it's making the
problem a lot worse.


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  RE: FLASH: Inserting a object problem!, NetworkAuto

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