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Subject: FLASH: Conditional Actions
From: NetworkAuto
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 06:25:29 +0100

Can anyone recommend a resource for conditonal actions? I'm trying to use a
conditional action to play a different background loop for anther scene,
only if the sound mc is not in the "sound off" frame which is 75. Here is
the statement.

Begin Tell Target ("/start_sound")
If (target_currentframe = 75)
Else If (target_currentframe <> 75)
Go to and Play (85)
End If
End Tell Target

If the music is off the action turns it back on anyway, even though its in
frame 75

Any info on conditional actions and expressions would be a great help.


Tom Feiffer

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  Re: FLASH: Conditional Actions, John Croteau
  Re: FLASH: Conditional Actions, John Croteau
  Re: FLASH: Conditional Actions, Steve Leone

  RE: FLASH: scaling/rotation bug?, James Mansfield

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