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Subject: Re: FLASH: Chinwag!!
From: List Owner
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:10:33 +0100

At 18:07 26/10/99 -0500, Mick Southerland wrote:

Please, please, can everyone STOP sending these emails to the whole list.
Is it necessary to send your request for someone to email you a file to
nearly 2000 people? If you request a file from someone, send the request to
them directly.

A couple of other pieces of netiquette that'll make everyone's life easier:

- only quote necessary parts of the email you're replying to attributing
the correct sender
- do not post attachments
- keep your .sig to 5 lines or less, ASCII pictures are great but it adds
up to a lot of wasted time scrolling and bandwidth sending
- if you have any problems email helpatchinwag [dot] com and I'll deal with them
asap (thanks to everyone who let me know about the duplication problem
returning, it should stop within the next few hours - apologies)

Thanks and let's make the list a greater place. Nice one.

Toodle Pip

This message was sent by the Chinwag List Owner


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  RE: FLASH: Chinwag!!, Robert Bleeker

  FLASH: Chinwag!!, Mick Southerland

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