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Subject: Re: FLASH: flash form on geocities page
From: Brian
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:59:41 +0100


> Here a piece of news from Wired.com, for all owners of Geocities
> websites:
> Yahoo: Your House Is My House
> by Declan McCullagh
> 3:00 a.m. 29.Jun.99.PDT
> If you're a GeoCities homesteader, be
> warned: Your Web site is no longer your
> own.
> Yahoo, which launched its
> Yahoo-GeoCities site Monday, says it
> owns all Web pages, articles, and images
> on member sites and has "irrevocable"
> rights to them for all time.
> This presents a problem for those
> GeoCities members who have
> painstakingly assembled large sites with
> dozens, even hundreds, of pages of
> valuable material.
> The full article is at:
> http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/20472.html

Can they do this?
I'm not on GeoCities, but if one gets a hair up its butt...

-Brian Matthews

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  Re: FLASH: flash form on geocities page, Noel Nolst Trenite

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