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Subject: FLASH: Forms...still need help
From: Lee Springthorpe
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:03:40 +0100

Hi all,
I have asked about forms before without reply and so have been trying to workit out..thi si show far I have got
I have a button on the page with a (in the same frame as the text fields)
                            On (Release)
                              Get URL ("http://www.u-net.com/script/fromail.pl", vars=GET)
                            End On
I have a number of text fields and used the properties to put in variables for each one ie
                        text field 1 - variable "name"
                        text field 2 - variable "address"
                        text field 3 - variable "number"
when I use the cigi in html I use the following  hidden inputs
<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="recipient" mailto:VALUE="leeatlizard-design [dot] com"
<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="subject" VALUE="Wildwood Form">
<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN"NAME="redirect" VALUE="http://www.wildwoodgolf.co.uk/thanks">
What I dont understand is how to tell flash to use the recipient,subject and redirect
This is driving me mad, I have tried to find tutorials etc but found none the technote on Macromedia site doesnt help and nor does the manual
Thanks in advance
lee springhorpe

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