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Subject: FLASH: addressing variables (a classic)
From: Anik Rigaud
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:22:32 +0100

Ok, now I'm lost again : I can *set* a variable in a dynamically named
movie clip...
> Set Variable: "/"&ClipName&":Field" = "MyValue"

But (don't laugh) it seems that I'm unable to *get* this value - in this
case, the field is editable, and I'd like to use the user's imput.
-> keep in mind that part of the address line includes variables <-

I think I've tried all the syntaxes, and though I really have the
impression that the answer must be obvious, right now, my brain is
starting to melt :(
Any ideas ?

Zillion thanks in advance,
Anik, with no brain left (it all ran out by the ears) =+(

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