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Subject: Re: FLASH: Form result checking
From: mbain
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 06:57:44 +0100


Please reply to me off-list at-----> mbainatza [dot] ibm [dot] com (mailto:mbainatza [dot] ibm [dot] com) <-------and I will
mail you a zip file containing fla's etc where and access database is updated
via asp and a variable saying all is ok is sent back to the flash.


And everyone who didnt get this file before ..OFFLIST please - its a simple
update and query database example that send variables back and forth in both the
update and the query/ :o) - some explanation is given (very littles) and this
serves as an example - not a tutorial :o)

Michael Bain
"(A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with large hammer"
IBM Global Services, Tel external: 011 302 7234, Tel ext internal: 11120,
Cel.Phn: 082 926 1856
------> http://www.futuredynamics.co.za/cyberbaby/babym.html

"Dirk Dulfer" <dirkatrem-reclame [dot] nl> on 10/27/99 02:27:53 PM

Please respond to flasheratchinwag [dot] com

To: undisclosed-recipients:;, "Flasher Mailling List"
<flasher-digestatchinwag [dot] com>
cc: (bcc: Michael Bain/South Africa/IBM)
Subject: FLASH: Form result checking

Hello you all,

Is there a way of returning a result-page in flash when a form has been
succesfully transmitted?


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