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Subject: FLASH: DiscoverToys
From: Kevin Jackson
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 20:01:01 +0100

www.discovertoys.com is a Macromedia site that demos their products. I have
tried it on three browsers at two different locations on 5 different
machines. It doesn't ever get to the begin button and therefore I can't get
in. Others say they get in. I've used Win95, 98, and NT on various machines
and connection speeds. IE4, 5 and Netscape 4.5. I've completely deleted
caches and reinstalled plugins. Never has worked for me.

Anyone got any ideas why it doesn't play to the button on the Timeline? Even
called 415 who did the page and they don't know what might be going on.

Kevin Jackson
Triskelian Design
kjacksonattriskelian [dot] com

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  FLASH: The "Why" of DiscoverToys, Tom Green
  Re: FLASH: DiscoverToys, John Hofmann

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