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Subject: FLASH: Flash and ASP: writing text files from Flash???
From: Paul Willoughby
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 13:24:45 +0100

Have we got any ASP experts on the list?
I want to write a text file based on Flash variables using ASP. This seems a
simple alternative to querying and writing to a database when using a very
small dataset. The code I've got for writing the text file is from a
tutorial on www.ASP101.com and it goes like this (with authors comments):

set FSO = Server.CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")

//This line creates an object that is used for File Access

set myFile = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\test.txt", true)

//This creates a blank text file object for us to use.The CreateTextFile
object creates a text file, based on what we specified. The first option
specifies the location of the text //file, while the second one states
whether or not to create the file if one doesn't exist. Very simple methods.

//Next, we do something simple

myFile.WriteLine("my text here")
myFile.WriteLine("more text here")

//.WriteLine writes the text to the text file. What a novel idea! =D


//This closes the file, and makes it accessible to all (for the good old
days of File Sharing). It also frees up memory.

In the tutorial on Flash and ASP integration by Dan Waters (on the same
site), it says Flash variables you've sent using post are available to an
ASP program using:


Does that mean I could write a line of code like this...?


...or do I have to somehow redefine the variable in the ASP program?
I will really only be writing one line. I was thinking I could do all the
concatenation for the URL encoding in the Action Script before I send the
variable, because the ASP won't actually do anything with the variables, it
will just write a string to the text file, which I can then reload into the
Flash movie.
So whaddya think? Am I on the right track? Will that line of pseudo-code
really work?!
TIA for any pointers.


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  Re: FLASH: Flash and ASP: writing text f, Helen Triolo

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