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Subject: FLASH: easy question but I can't figure out answer with windows projector in flash5
From: marcia patrice ganeles
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 03:14:47 +0100

Newly purchased flash5 - have used flash4 for about a year with some success.

here's my problem:
In flash5 I publish a movie as a windows projector and it plays fine when I
open the project locally, however, when I attach and send with an email, it
opens the flash window but then it's blank - no movie...I have done this many
successful times with flash4 and have tried this with several movies in flash 5
with no success....why would it work locally? I have tried several email
clients and always my results are thur:

works fine with a flash4 projector
opens a blank window with a flash5 projector...

thanks in advance,
mganelesatvisto [dot] com

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