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Subject: RE: FLASH: Specifying scenes in loaded movies
From: Paul Willoughby
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 11:27:29 +0100

Hi Chris,

This isn't working because the child movie doesn't have any time to load
before you target it. There's different ways you can deal with this...

1. Have a little subroutine movieclip that checks the movie is loaded before
you target it. Pseudo code:

On (release)
Load Movie ("child2.swf" , "/base")
Begin Tell Target ("subroutine")
End Tell Target
End On

Subroutine-Frame 1:

Subroutine-Frame 2:
If(/base:_totalframes = theAmountOfFramesInTheChild)
Tell Target....etc.

Subroutine-Frame 3:
Goto and play (2)

2. Or, you could set a variable that is checked on by the new movie when it
loads, so on the button you have code like this:

On (release)
Load Movie ("child2.swf" , "/base")
SetVariable: "scene2Play" = "scene2start"
End Tell Target
End On

Then in the first frame of the loaded movie you have:

Go to and Play (_level0:scene2play) (the frame is described as an

3. Or, you could destroy all those evil, pointless scenes (see previous
posts about scenes ad nauseum) and make them all into their own little
movies. This might be the best option if you're trying to load a very big



>> Chris Urban wrote on 09 October 2000 14:50

I must be missing parts of my brain - I was sure I've done this before...
I have a parent movie, and several children which I load into a place holder
named 'base,' an empty mc.

Typically, you click on a button, and it loads a specific 'child' movie into

Here's where I run into trouble: I want to specifically load a movie, let's
say 'child3,' at a specific scene. I have the first frame of each scene
labeled, 'scene1start,' 'scene2start', &c.

So, for this button, an action would be:

On (release)
Load Movie ("child2.swf" , "/base")
Begin Tell Target ("base")
(I've used ('_level0/base" also with no difference)
Go To and Stop ("scene2start")
End Tell Target
End On

Now what am I doing wrong? I've loaded the movie into a generic level
instead of a specific placeholder, but that doesn't work either.

Chris Urban
curbanattetrasc [dot] com

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