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Subject: Re: FLASH: why we still need a sniffer ?
From: John Dowdell
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 21:01:38 +0100

At 10:15 PM 10/17/0, cesar wrote:
> Isn't it that everytime we publish flash in html in already
> gives the code that direct the users to a flash download
> page if he doesn't have one.

Well, you're right, it's a pretty clear shot to just deploy the page.

I think part of the problem is that designers get various requests from
their clients, who pose the desired solution in different ways... some
clients decide that bare browsers should get the easiest auto-install,
other clients decide there should be a GIF substituted, still other clients
decide the visitor should be shuttled to a different section of the site...
there are various client requests that could change the final solution set

This is part of the reason that "sniffing" turns out to be so complicated
online... aside from the differences between browsers, different clients
want to end up with different things.

One other area is *what* you're sniffing... some routines check for the
existence of a Macromedia Flash Player, while others check for a specific
*version* of the Player. This cycle starts anew with each new version.

You're right, the basic Publish templates in the authoring tool handle most
cases, and the Flash Deployment Kit addresses a broader set of needs, but
I'm guessing we'll continue to see new threads thrice-weekly on this
subject for a long, long time..... ;-)


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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