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Subject: FLASH: Underlined Fonts.
From: Philippe Warichet
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 15:38:42 +0100


I bet you'll all get me when I say that I con not underline a font un Flash.

That's a thing.
Now I want to underline a font.
- The possibility of drawing a line aitn that good since the text in
dynamic and I don't know the lenght od the string in pixels.
- An other of which I thought was to find a font which would be underlined.
That would be nice. Could you get me to any?
- The last solution would be to design this underlined font myself. But I
have no idea wether it is possible or how?

Answer would be appreciated.

Many Thx


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  Re: FLASH: Underlined Fonts., Randy Kato

  Re: FLASH: help, Ken Grygienc

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