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Subject: Re: FLASH: Re: Detecting if java enabled for CFSETflashmoviename.swf
From: Erik Mattheis
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 18:01:17 +0100

>Again the problem's core issue is that JAVA needs to be enabled for
>these steps to work. Else it will not since the message is never sent to
>Flash or Received by Flash, take your pick I'm not sure.

Never sent. Java needs to be enabled to make a Flash movie scriptable.

>Possible Solution:
>The possible solution to this problem is since Cold Fusion code will
>always execute before Javascript will there must be a way of using Cold
>Fusion to detect if the End Users browser has the setting "Enable JAVA"
>turned on.

Not with ColdFusion without two trips to the server, as explained in
my last response.

However you could document.write() different SWFs based on the value
of navigator.javaEnabled() ... you're already doing that to detect
the Player so just define theSWF in the detection script based on the
value of navigator.javaEnabled() and say in the object and embed tags:

value="' + theSWF +'"

- Erik Mattheis

(612) 827 3963

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  FLASH: Can Anyone Help Me?, David Doggett

  FLASH: Re: Detecting if java enabled for, Jack Monteleagre

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