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Subject: Re: FLASH: Video in Flash
From: Eric Blanpied
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 19:01:59 +0100

Michael Penney wrote:

> You can also create a QT movie as has been suggested, set up your flash
> presentation with the video in flash and export as QT. Be prepared to do
> some testing/futzing with compression, etc. to get the alpha channels
> working right.

Flash and QT work great together.

To do a simple combination of a Flash Track and a Video Track in QTPlayer
Pro is not that hard. Here's an example for a single-frame Flash movie with

1. Publish your SWF as Flash 3 (4 if you want to mess with the Public
Preview of QT5).
2. Prepare your audio/video movie to the compression settings that suit you
(this is not the list for that discussion, is it?)
3. Open both in QT Player
4. Select all in the Flash movie and copy.
5. In the video movie, select all.
6. Hold down option (alt) and shift and select "Add Scaled" from the Edit
menu (where Paste normally is).

This adds the Flash track as a new track, scaling it *In Time* to fit the
duration of the selection. This approach has the advantage of just using one
long frame to get the duration right for the Flash Track. You don't have to
spend any time messing around with getting the right number of frames in
Flash to match the duration of the video.

To fix the layering:
1. Open the Info Panels.
2. Select the Video Track from the left popup.
3. Select "Layer" from the right popup.
4. Change the layer number of the video track to something (-1 or -2 will
usually do).

To reposition the video track:
1. From the right popup select "size"
2. Click "adjust"
3. Drag the video around, and experiment with the (admittedly strange)
4. Click done when you're finished.

When you have it the way you like it "Save As", *Clicking the Make
Self-Contained* radio button.

You can do similar things to add streaming video tracks to Flash tracks.

Eric Blanpied
Apple Computer, Inc.

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  Re: FLASH: Video in Flash, Andrew Le Sage

  Re: FLASH: Video in Flash, Michael Penney

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