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Subject: FLASH: Flash4 to Flash5
From: Benjamin Kaubisch
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 00:04:52 +0100

To those who know:?

Since Flash 5 player can significantly alter the playback of a Flash 4 movie, does this mean all Flash 4 movies have to be changed/adapted to the 5Player? Looks that way. Is there a conversion utility? Even opening .fla 4 files in Flash 5 will change their ultimate playback after they are tweaked and exported, right? In other words, there is no slick way to get Flash 4 movies to 'play right' in Flash 5 player!??

I'm a little concerned about this because it means a lot for work for web developers everywhere to retrofit their older and recent Flash 4 work. What a headache. Thanks Macromedia! Why on earth should Flash 5 player NOT recognize and play properly ANY flash 4 movie. I don't get it. Any insight into this ISSUE much appreciated.

Ben K

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