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Subject: FLASH: XML dtds and Arrays..
From: Tobie Kerridge
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 13:09:49 +0100


a while ago, i think it was on this list, redstar (thanks for this
resource!) posted a small script to put an xml object into an array. This
allowed you to call up any of the moreover feeds (www.moreover.com for free
newsfeeds) for use within your movie.

For brevity, i'll not reproduce his code here, but mail me if you are
interested in it.

It struck me as is a very powerful thing, allowing you to publish fresh
content within your movie without needing to update anything!

Using this as a staring point, I'm just learning how to use the xml methods
to pull out the correct strings and make a useful array from the initial xml
object. This is proving do be difficult because i cannot visualise the way
flash structures the object, i have tried to look at it in the output window
but it is MASSIVE and my machine grinds to a halt.

Can anyone help with this, or does anyone have a clear Idea of how an XML
documents description, or DTD, relates to the xml object once it has been
called into flash?

It would be amazing if a movie could call in a DTD and modify a flash object
to put the useful parts of the related xml into an array. This way, assuming
the dtd's used the same element names, like "title", "url" etc, a movie
could pull in your "contents" xml file (containing your sources titles, doc
urls and dtd urls) and allow the user to make use of potentially thousands
of fresh, free, content documents.

I hope this is clear, i come from a design background and I'm just starting
to tackle these issues. Please pick me up on things that don't make any
sense, I'm really excited about the potential of flash in "harvesting"
existing resources and setting them in a beautiful environment.

if only the internal sorting wasn't so slow ;)


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  RE: FLASH: XML dtds and Arrays.., Maria Ivanova

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