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Subject: Re: FLASH: Everything on a different layer?
From: John Croteau
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 05:41:25 +0100

Hi Jayse,

> Should EVERY different element be on a different layer?
Not necessarily, there are some items that are require a separate layer,
some that should be in separate ones and others where it doesn't matter.

Additional layers cost nothing and separating symbols into separate
layers adds nothing to the file size.

1) Items that are to be Tweened require a separate layer. This is how
Flash determines which items are to be tweened.
2) Items that come in at different times should be placed on separate
layers to make editting easier and safer.
3) Items that start in the same frame can be placed in the same layer.

To explain why I suggest not being Layer Frugal I'll explain how Flash
handles graphics.

You have 5 frames, one layer and 5 symbols. Each symbol onced placed
will remain until the end. A new symbol will be placed in each frame. So
frame one will have 1 symbol, two will have 2 symbols, etc.

Symbol one will be in each frame of the five frames and Flash will
recognize it as the same Instance as long as it is in exactly the same
spot in all 5 frames. If you touch the symbol in one of the frames and
move it one pixel you now have at least 2 and more likely 3 Instances of
that symbol. Placement costs may be relatively small (18 bytes for a
Graphic symbol) but can add up quickly when you do a lot of changes. You
also add jerkiness that may be hard to locate and correct.

If you want to move that one symbol you need to move the symbol in all
five copies in all 5 frames. You can do this with Edit Multiple Frames
but it can be a real pain.

By putting items on separate layers you eliminate the two problems
above. If you move a symbol that is in a separate layer since it appears
only once you may move it out of place but you can't create new
Instances or jerkiness. If you have to move it you only have one place
to go and one thing to move and don't have to resort to using Edit
Multiple Frames where it is easy to make a mistake and move only some of
the copies.

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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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  FLASH: Midi files, Claudio Prudente
  Re: FLASH: Midi files, Jason BARNARD
  FLASH: Everything on a different layer?, jayse

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