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Subject: Re: FLASH: Swift 3D - Cinema 4D
From: Arcanus
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 12:51:58 +0100

Someone wrote:

>I have used Cinema 4D for quite some time and it is great! Does anyone
>if there is a swf plug-in for Cinema 4D?
I don't believe there is right now, and I'm not sure could have been with
old SDK. However, it should be possible for someone to write one for v6
and, I'm sure, if the demand is there, someone will.

Could be interesting. C4DXL supports COFFEE scripting and attaching
expressions to any object, so if there was a plug in that handled that,
or translated it to SVG or some such . . . could be pretty cool.

I run at a list at:


Specifically for users of XL. I'm going to be moving it sometime soon
because they are sticking ads at the top and bottom of the emails now,
but we're still there (for now). Anyone wants to wax poetic about C4DXL,
you're alway welcome. ;)

Kevin Willis
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  FLASH: 3D Plug-in for Mac?, John Mortensen
  Re: FLASH: Swift 3D - Cinema 4D, Gabriel Mulzer

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