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Subject: Re: FLASH: Adobe vs Macromedia - Intriguing Point.
From: Terry R. Schussler
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 00:32:36 +0100

At 12:52 PM -0700 9/5/00, John Dowdell wrote:
>At 1:24 AM 9/2/0, Steve Minton wrote:
>> Hmm, I have just installed Illustrator 9...it claims that it can
>> export Flash files, which is technically incorrect as it is indeed
>> unable to do this. It is only able to export SWF files.
>Yes, you're right, they're usually missing the trademark info in their
>promotional materials, and they obfuscate the differences between FLA and
>SWF. (Matter of fact, I've been lectured that "all SWFs are Flash files"
>and other silly stuff.)
>SWF is a compact delivery format, and so it doesn't have the range of
>editing structures you'd find in the larger FLA format... that's why you
>can edit curves in imported SWFs but don't have the layers and such.

A reasonable analogy might be PNG and GIF - except that the proprietarisms
(this is a word? <g>) are reversed.

>Doublecheck the Illustrator product literature on their website... besides
>using the non-trademarked "Flash" as a selling point they also say that SVG
>is "a standard" that "does all that Flash can do" and other inanities. I'm
>glad their drawing program now exports SWF natively, but geez....

You wouldn't be referring to the _Macromedia_ Flash Writer, would you? ;-)




...---===| Terry R. Schussler |===---...
...---===| DIA Chief Investigator |===---...

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  Re: FLASH: Adobe vs Macromedia - Intrigu, John Dowdell

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