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Subject: Re: FLASH: Action Script Lenght Limits
From: Till Steinmetz
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 14:48:35 +0100

>I have discovered that there is a limit to the amount of stuff flash will
>handle in a single frame action. To perform (if, else if) statements on 50
>vars, I in effect had to spread the action script over 7 frames. Has anyone
>else found this to be an issue? I even tried to (#include "script.as") but
>the actual amount of text seems to be with flash 5 is choking on.
>The extended action script will even crash Generator / Jrun when exported
>and viewed as an .swt file.

Dont know about generator but i processed more than 50 variables read from
from a MySQL db via PHP in one single frame "loop while" statement without
a problem. Perhaps your data is not completely transferred when you start
doing stuff with it ? you could transmit something like an EOF marker when
everything has been transferred...


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  FLASH: Action Script Lenght Limits, Baden Coleman

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