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Subject: FLASH: Flash 5: dot syntax with multidimensional arrays
From: Gorsky
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 19:28:48 +0100


I was wondering if someone could tell me whether it is possible in Flash 5
to use dot syntax to access multidimensional arrays.

For example, If I do the following:
// create new array
mainMenu = new Array();
mainTopics = new Array();
// Assign mainTopics array as the 1st value of the mainMenu array
mainMenu[0] = mainTopics;
// Assign Values to array
mainTopics[0] = "Item 0";
mainTopics[1] = "Item 1";
mainTopics[2] = "Item 2";
mainTopics[3] = "Item 3";
mainTopics[4] = "Item 4";
mainTopics[5] = "Item 5";
mainTopics[6] = "Item 6";
mainTopics[7] = "Item 7";
mainTopics[8] = "Item 8";
mainTopics[9] = "Item 9";
// trace these out
trace ("length.array ="+mainMenu[0].length);
trace ("length.dot ="+mainMenu.mainTopics.length);
the output window shows:
length.array =10
length.dot =
Am I doing this wrong or is it not possible?

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