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Subject: R: FLASH: importing ai file with brush style
From: Marco Berti
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 16:14:04 +0100

Hi soda,
don't know if I've understood your problem but I try.

I guess that you can't import brushes from ai.
If you use Illustrator 8 you can try to modify your drawing using a function
that (I think but am not sure) is called "Spread" or "Extend" in the
"Object" menu.
I have the Italian version so I don't know if the name of the item is
correct, but it's the 9th item in that menu...
Don't know if older versions of Illustrator can do that.

Then copy your object and paste it into Flash.

Hope this helps

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  FLASH: importing ai file with brush styl, soda pop

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