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Subject: RE: FLASH: bad scenes?
From: Brack, Jeremy
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 19:54:06 +0100

I have not experienced any of the problems you are stating. I have created
several scene based movies with Tell Target, specific frame targets in
multiple scenes and full interactivity with absolutely no problems when
published to swf.

Do you perhaps have any FLA's available demonstrating this scene problem
that you have?
Are you creating the bad-scene FLA files in Flash 4 or Flash 5?


-----Original Message-----
From: JGL [infoatdesignthenet [dot] com (mailto:infoatdesignthenet [dot] com)]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 11:06 AM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: RE: FLASH: bad scenes?

Actually, when published, scenes flatten out and are added in order to the
end of the time-line.

Movie Clips offer an independant/simultaneous timeline.

IMO, scenes are an authoring convenience and really serve no other purpose.
Movie Clips, on the other hand are also an authoring convenience but allow
you to create simultaneous timelines and targeting ability. If you are
planning to build interactivity, scenes are not a good way to go.

Why are scenes bad?
You lose control over timelines and frame numbers. Those frame numbers in a
scene are irrelevant once published. Frame 4 in scene 2 can end up being
frame 562 once published.

Quote: Eric Smolin:
"When your FLA file gets compressed into an SWF file, all of your scenes get
flattened into one layer and one timeline. Therefore, tell targets often
don't work, and targeting a frame number in another scene will never work
since the frame numbers change upon export."

Scenes are good for static movies (is that a term?), those that start, play
and end.


-----Original Message-----
Using scenes and movieclips go hand in hand. Scenes are not better or
worse, they serve a larger function. Scenes break apart a movie into easy
to use chunks. If your building a Flash navigation system for a website,
you may want to place the Flash navigation inside its own frame on the html
page, and use scenes to break apart the Flash movie.. So you could have
each scene highlight the button that the user clicked on. That way the user
will visually see which button they clicked to get to a specific page.

"I did read that scenes are not supported in a
swf?? Is that right???"

That is incorrect. Scenes are supported in swf files.


-----Original Message-----
Is it common to develop using a lot of scenes? I am using Flash 4
and trying to pick up where someone left off...ie they have 3 flas
and 5 scenes and about 36mcs. No functioning navigation page
that is one of the many changes to be made.
I always thought it was better to use 1 timeline and lots
of movie clips. Am I way off here?

I can't find much info. I did read that scenes are not supported in a
Is that right??? This project is for the web.

Any tutorials or wisdom majorly appreciated!


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  RE: FLASH: bad scenes?, JGL

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