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Subject: Re: FLASH: Transparent masking
From: julie gargan
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 23:20:39 +0100

If you are talking about the text that flows in from black to white over the
graphics, then I think they probably put the transparent gradient under the
text and made the text the mask layer. I don't think you can make a mask
transparent, but what it is masking out can be.

hope this helps.

> Hello,
> at the risk of sounding dumb, how have 'they' achieved the masking used in
> this film trailer:
> http://www.spe.sony.com/movies/joanofarc/
> Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to do transparent masking. Everytime
> I've tried, the mask switches to either showing something through the mask
> or not showing it.
> Thank you
> Ian

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  Re: FLASH: Transparent masking, IanMarkJ
  Re: FLASH: Transparent masking, Kwint

  FLASH: Transparent masking, Ian.MJ

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