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Subject: Re: FLASH: HOW - utilizing browser space
From: Gregg Caines
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 17:51:25 +0100

You've got a little bit of a conflict in your demands for
that page. You can't fill the browser window with your
movie and expect to maintain scale across all kinds
of browser heights and widths. If it fills the browser in
a 100% by 100% manner, it will stretch or shrink
whenever it has to.

The only thing I can suggest is to use 100% X 100%
and 'default (show all)' in your publish settings. This
has a first priority of maintaining the scale (no stretching
or shrinking), and a second priority of filling the browser

Setting margin width and height to 0 (in the body tag) will
get rid of any extra margins there are (in IE at least) and
putting that all in a one-frame frameset will really make
sure that the SWF gets right to the edge whenever it can.

Gregg Caines
n e o m e t r i x systems inc.
gcainesatneometrixsystems [dot] com

> I have a movie 550 x 400 (default stage size)
> My goal is to fill the browser window with my movie.
> I don't want any distortion, no chopping off, no full
> screen, no java windows
> How the hell do I do this ?????????
> Right now if I set it to exact fit 100% x 100%, my
> movie streches and looks like crap.
> Is there a certain stage size I have to use
> what is the deal ???
> What do most people do ???

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  FLASH: HOW - utilizing browser space, C K

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