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Subject: RE: FLASH: Re: flasher-digest V1 #3805
From: Paul Willoughby
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 14:56:00 +0100

Hi Ying Ying

To make text non anti-alias you have to make the text box a text field by
selecting the text box and clicking the text field button. You can change
the text field properties if you go to modify|text field.
I don't think there's any simple way you can switch between anti-alias and
non anti-alias text dynamically. The workaround would be to have one MC of
text in a textfield and one MC of text in a regular textbox. Then you could
switch between the two with tell target.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ying Ying [pe_ying6atyahoo [dot] com (mailto:pe_ying6atyahoo [dot] com)]
Sent: 21 September 2000 13:50
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: FLASH: Re: flasher-digest V1 #3805

Hallo everyone!

I've got a question here...think it could be a very
simple answer given....anyway, I've been searching
around and can't get the exact answer...
can anyone here tell me? or teach me how to do it?

-Can flash have non anti-alias text?
-I only wanted is to be non anti-alias while viewing
in 100%. It is ok to be an alias when enlarged....
-I've seen a site that the text looks non anti-alias
while viewing in 100% and with anti-alias when
enlarge....http://www.soulbath.com...please check..
-no textarea please...

thanks first... ; )



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  Re: FLASH: Re: flasher-digest V1 #3805, Randy Kato

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