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Subject: Re: FLASH: Dana, The Poor Bumbling Baby Flasher
From: Gregg Caines
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 21:51:22 +0100

Importing the outside SWF should move all its frames
into the timeline you are working on. Swish SWFs are
like any other SWF you might import.

I'd recommend creating a symbol and importing the
SWF into the timeline of that symbol (then getting the
symbol from the library).

You could also create a new layer in your main timeline,
import the SWF into that layer and then copy and paste
the frames into a new symbol (and delete the original
layer to get rid of the original imports).

If you have imported the SWF and see nothing at all, you
either have a faulty SWF, or your text effect is the same
color as your background... I can't really think of any
other possible reason...


Gregg Caines
n e o m e t r i x systems inc.
gcainesatneometrixsystems [dot] com

> Dear Knowledgable Experts,
> When imported into Flash from Swish, and saved as a movie, all the *parts*
> of the movie appear in the library as symbols. I can only *drag* the
> instances onto the stage from there, not the actual movie clip. I
> understand that I need to export from SWish and import into Flash and save
> as a movie. I've got that part. I'll reread my books about importing
> movies clips into a movie and review all the confusing responses and try
> some different things and get back to share what happens once I know
> Of all the responses so far, the anonymous instruction to "look up
> instances in your Flash manual" certainly seemed like the least helpful,
> it may be that none of you actually know and the real answer is that I
> need to do further research and perhaps go to the message board on the
> site of Flashlite.
> No doubt this is something very elementary but also a basic piece of
> skill/information, because I know tons of people must be making little
> effects or other small movie clips and importing them, in spite of the
> that "just drag it onto the stage" seems to be very misleading
> Thanks so far, I'll figure this out eventually and tell you the result.
> Dana
> jaguarwoman.com

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