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Subject: Re: FLASH: more aliased text-
From: Till Steinmetz
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:33:45 +0100

another possibilty: they used gif's...

>It could be that they have their own 1 bit font, it looks like the same 1 bit
>font used by k10k. Another option would be using one of Emigre's 1 bit fonts.
>That's how I'd do it anyway if I didn't want to anti-alias some text. Just
>turning off anti-aliasing will make your font grade-A ugly.
>Use a 1 bit font. It wouldn't be too hard to make one for yourself, probably
>about a day. If you don't know much about typefaces just get emigre's; go to:

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  FLASH: more aliased text-, Matt Gaiser
  Re: FLASH: more aliased text-, Gahlord Dewald

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