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Subject: RE: UKNM: Net psychologists
From: Cherie Matrix
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 17:19:34 GMT

There is a great book called Cyber Seductions that you might want to check

just a little new year tid bit...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jo [joatcan-u-hack-it [dot] com (mailto:joatcan-u-hack-it [dot] com)]
Sent: 04 January 1999 16:37
To: uk-netmarketing (E-mail)
Subject: UKNM: Net psychologists

Forgive me if this is slightly off topic...

I'm currently researching an article on cybersleaze / cyberstalking /

Does anyone know of any psychologists with knowledge of behaviour on the
Net, who I could interview? I don't want to cover Net addiction, but
would be interested in obtaining a perspective on why people behave in a
certain way on-line.

All help appreciated!

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