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Subject: RE: UKNM: Toys R US - site, outdated - who does it???
From: Leslie Bunder
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 10:27:54 GMT

For the last month or two, various bods at Virgin have been hinting that
free is the way of the future without giving away too much of their own

The thing is, if they have 130,000 subscribers and went free, how many
of those subscribers are likely to stay with a paid service, unless the
paid service offers some enhanced value.

I guess, like other paid for ISPs, Virgin must have had its share of
subscribers leaving to join a free provider, so in order to keep them to
the "brand", going free or offering some free service will keep them.

The question is...how to you keep loyalty with a free service? If there
are going to be 20 or 30 or even more offered this year, how do you keep
somone with you instead of going to another free service???

I don't see the end of paid for services, I see them staying but
offering some form of enhanced service that the free service does not

Other views etc....


Leslie Bunder, technology writer, Teletext on the Web

e-mail: LBunderatteletext [dot] co [dot] uk (work) or leslieatbunder [dot] com (home)
web: http://www.teletext.co.uk

tel: 0171 386 3667 (inside UK) or +44 171 386 3667 (outside UK)

mobile: 07010 701967 (inside UK) or +44 7010 701967 (outside UK)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Darren Wallace [SMTP:darrenatcommercenet [dot] org [dot] uk]
> Sent: 27 January 1999 17:18
> To: uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: Re: UKNM: Toys R US - site, outdated - who does it???
> Don't know about ToysRUs, but I have heard a rumour that Virgin Net's
> going
> free next month.
> Comments anyone?
> D.
> At 16:19 27/01/99 , you wrote:
> >I thought ToyRUs were going to launch a Free ISP in competition with
> >Freeserve, well thats what I read on News.com.
> >
> >Anyone know any more on this?
> >
> >Tim
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> ``````
> Darren Wallace - Marketing Manager
> CommerceNet Consortium - UK & Ireland
> darrenatcommercenet [dot] org [dot] uk
> +44 171 916 2875(T) +44 171 209 1236(F) +44 410 780 775(GSM)
> www.commercenet.org.uk (UK & Ireland) www.commerce.net (Global)
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

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