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Subject: RE: UKNM: A credible list?
From: Robin Edwards
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 11:09:25 +0100

Have to say that it appears they have been influenced by the hype. Finances
seem to have been completely ignored, and competing companies in the list
do not entirely fare as expected. The Register has a good comment on this:


There are some great companies in the list, many of which will succeed,
some (many/most?) of which will not. Good to see that the list itself will
be updated weekly, as I am sure some of the 100 will Falco in the not too
distant future.

Would I agree with the top 10? Nope, not even close, although that's not to
say every company in the top 10 is doomed to failure. Perhaps the experts
making the decisions should try actually using some of the services from a
customer perspective. They should also take financial viability into
consideration - the very idea that a company in the top 10 is still
considering how it intends to actually make money shows me that there's a
lot of bollocks in there. Perhaps the dotcoms should be ranked by whether
or not their model is actually working - it is all well and good saying
that customers will pay for X, but if history is showing that customers
think the service is crap, and are not paying for X, then it's time to say

Anyway, all good fun, and at least this time we don't see the stories of
how little Johnny set up a web site to sell footballs and although he
hasn't sold any yet we reckon he's worth 500m etc etc.

A good starting point for anyone wanting to have a crack at setting up a
dotcom though. The "leaders" are there, in black and white, with stats,
problems, and even a link to the web site. Go get 'em kids.


Robin Edwards
T: +44 1543 252370 F: +44 1543 420761
E: robinatclockworx [dot] co [dot] uk W: http://www.clockworx.com/ W2:

On Tuesday, July 04, 2000 10:57 AM, Dave Evans [SMTP:Dave [dot] Evansateb [dot] uk [dot] com]
> Having finally read this week's Sunday Times I was intrigued by their
> 'E-league' list of the top 100 e-businesses. Anyone think the list is
> correct? My personal view is that the way they've structured it skews the
> results bigtime. There seem to be a lot of companies that may look OK in
> isolation, but in the context of the markets they're in, they're not
> to 'win' against bigger and better funded companies, particularly where
> rivals don't have to rely on one channel/business model. Any thoughts?
> http://www.bathwick.com/ir/eleague/eleaguetable.shtml
> Dave

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