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Subject: UKNM: Media Planning and Buying
From: Ramu Yalamanchi
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 14:33:32 +0100


My name is Ramu Yalamanchi, and I work for a company called AdKnowledge,
Inc. in the US. AdKnowledge develops and markets a comprehensive suite of
web advertising management products and services for marketers and
advertising agencies. We are a Silicon Valley based company with the
premier US ad agencies and media buyers as clients.

I am interested in learning more about the UK online media buying and
planning community. My knowledge comes from research studies and a few
discussions with UK based interactive agencies. So, I would appreciate any
firsthand insight that you can provide.

With regard to online media planning, are there any tools available that
present detailed content and audience profiles for online media? How does a
UK media planner/buyer choose the relevant sites for consideration? Are US
publisher sites considered for reaching UK users?

I would appreciate feedback on any of the questions.


Ramu Yalamanchi
Region Manager
AdKnowledge, Inc.
(650) 842-6522

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