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Subject: RE: UKNM: ADMIN: Times are a changin'
From: Richard Houston
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 17:34:16 +0000 (GMT)

> So is this the beginning of the end for UKNM ?

Why should it be, Steve? Bandwidth and computers aren't free you know.

Richard Houston
Account Planner, Brann Interactive
Tel: 0171 806 7071
Mob: 0961 116 059

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Johnston/IMRG
> Sent: 04 November 1998 16:39
> To: uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: RE: UKNM: ADMIN: Times are a changin'
> And of course, when it loses its personal touch - despite the 350 or so
> 'lurkers' - we'll all bugger off and do something else instead.
> So is this the beginning of the end for UKNM ?
> Steve Johnston
> Director of Development
> The IMRG
> www.imrg.org
> "Elizabeth Van Couvering" <evcatexcitecorp [dot] com> on 04/11/98 14:19:50
> Please respond to uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com
> To: uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com
> cc:
> Subject: RE: UKNM: ADMIN: Times are a changin'
> Nice mention of UKNM in this week's Campaign, thanks to Ross Sleight.
> Sponsorship money, mentions in the press -- you're on to something here.
> At
> least we think so at Excite.
> Regards,
> E.

UKNM is sponsored by Excite UK, visit us at http://www.excite.co.uk.
Email Khalil Ibrahimi khalilatexcitecorp [dot] com (mailto:khalilatexcitecorp [dot] com) to advertise on Excite.
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