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Subject: RE: UKNM: something I'm working on
From: Steve Andrews
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 13:53:31 +0000 (GMT)

Have a look at terraserver.com
Steve Andrews
Business Analyst
Cable & Wireless PLC

-----Original Message-----
From: Amanda Christie [SMTP:mailamandaatyahoo [dot] com]
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 1998 10:29 PM
To: uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com
Subject: UKNM: something I'm working on

I am interested to hear views from you all about a 'possible' piece of
software.....it would be an aerial view of London that could zoom in
at street level. FIRST EVER, but I wonder if it REALLY could be of
any value?

What do you think?

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