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Subject: RE: UKNM: Working In Europe
From: Ani Tertzakian
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 15:36:24 +0100


I have been here from LA for 8 months. Aside from the weather and
logistics, what I find is a more manageable "community" of web and
marketeers, and what seems to me a sophisticated and thoughtful (in terms of
their business) bunch of professionals. I would encourage it in terms of
learning your trade and being part of its growth.

It is because the US is still much more advanced and "scientized" in
marketing and customer service, there is a lot or room to grow here and more
of a contribution to make. It is not all packaged and ready to go.


-----Original Message-----
From: sally krumholz [salinkaatearthlink [dot] net (mailto:salinkaatearthlink [dot] net)]
Sent: 02 October 2000 02:16
To: uk-netmarketingatmail [dot] chinwag [dot] com
Subject: UKNM: Working In Europe

hi all,

i wondered if i could get a bit of advice? i've been working in new york's
new media industry for about 2-1/2 years, the last year as a senior
producer at an interactive agency. before that in marketing for a well
known dot com. before new media, i worked in israel in marketing & trade.
i'm basically giving some serious thought to moving to europe (specifically
the UK or netherlands) but wondered if anyone can give me some advice. i
think i have to get some working papers but i can't go through recruiters.
argh. any thoughts?



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