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Subject: Re: UKNM: Q: online learning?
From: Mark Bunting
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 01:04:34 +0100

Try Henley Management College at
http://www.henleymc.ac.uk. No personal experience but
they have a good reputation, were doing the online
learning thang before most (and have a v posh building
in Henley so the punters must keep rolling in).


--- Michelle [dot] Jefferyatcubitt [dot] com wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for suggestions and opinions of online
> learning courses
> particularly for the finance sector.
> Has anyone had experience implementing these courses
> into part of a company
> training programme or strong views for or against
> this type of learning
> environment?
> Thanks in advance for your comments.
> Michelle Jeffery
> Associate
> Cubitt Consulting
> Tel: 0207 367 5128

Mark Bunting: mark [dot] buntingatinfonic [dot] com
INFONIC Online Communications Management
Tel +44 (20) 7490 8844

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