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Talking Transparency

Transparency by jaygoldman

With all the speculation surrounding the EU’s Directive on Online Privacy it’s easy to lose perspective about getting compliant and forget that all we are being asked to do is talk to consumers about what we do, how we do it and why.

It is the manner in which we ask permission to continue using cookies and other tracking technology that is up for discussion.  No one is suggesting there is a one-size-fits-all solution. The onus is clearly on the website owner to become more transparent.

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The Value of Being Compliant, and How to Get There

Gloomy Laptop

When it comes to the ePrivacy Directive, the first step towards getting compliant will be in admitting that you have a law to deal with and it's not going away.

Evidence of innovation on your part with regard to transparency - doing something meaningful to advance dialogue with your consumers, explaining how and why you are using their data - will put you in a strong, defensible position come the deadline for compliance in May 2012.

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