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From: Cheri Harder
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 18:29:26 +0100

(Sending answer to the list because I have a question for MM or others...)

Well, now. This is very strange, indeed! The reason I didn't get the bug
before is because I had the "animation" within the movie clip itself, and I
see you are moving the movie clip on the main timeline. It seems that the
button action property change is definately re-setting that particular
action...even when I DO tell it to continue, it starts from frame 1 again,
instead of from where it left off.

Is there a place on MM site to report reproduceable "bugs?" A motion tween
shouldn't be interrupted by changing the property of the object being
tweened, should it????????

It's not just "alpha" but also "rotation" and I imagine anything else. It
seems to be more or less creating a new object, which is re-setting (and
stopping) the timeline. The way I would get around it, I guess, is to move
the animation to within the movie clip itself, then you can change its alpha
and the movement continues...

~~~~Cheri Harder~~~~~
charderatawsolution [dot] com
Advantage Web Solution

> Cheri,
> Thanks for your offer to help. I've attached a simple fla that
> illustrates my problem. Do you know why the alpha change disables the
> timeline animation? Even resetting doesn't allow the animation to
> play. Hopefully, there's a way to reset the symbol to allow the
> timeline to regain control. Thanks very much for your help.
> Michael Marcinelli

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