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Subject: RE: FLASH: OT: Flashkiller
From: daniel gray
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 19:54:03 +0100

Dan wrote:

> > DISCLAIMER: While they may have two of my books on their front page, I
> > have nothing to do with that site. I think the site name is ridiculous,
> > in the Ricky Ricardo sense of the word.

Jason wrote:

> Hehe coverin yer butt Dan? Just kidding =0) Guess ya can't stop people from
> posting yer books on their site huh?

Uhhh, yeah! That's it. I was doing the CYA, set the record straight
thang. ;)

Kristin wrote:

> > must we make fun of people, other products (that are not Macromedia), and
> > sites on this list serv? I find it inappropriate. Live Motion is a
> > perfectly good product made by a great company that will only help make
> > Flash more widespread.

Brian wrote:

> If this site and all its links are supposed to be a true representation of
> LiveMotion and all its visual acclaim, then they've failed to ignite my
> enthusiasm. LiveMotion is not yet a "perfectly good product" judging from
> what I saw there. Don't count your chickens before they hatch, as they say,
> and I saw a few broken eggs.
> And who was I making fun of?
> Adobe opens themselves up to whatever comes their way by producing a product
> for use by the general public.

Keep in mind that the world is working with the beta preview release,
which is far from a finished product. Lots of folks (newbies!) have
lots to learn, both about the program and about the SWF format. For
better or for worse (depending on your POV), LiveMotion is going to
bring tons of folks into the Flash world.


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