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Subject: FLASH: Buttons That Add Up
From: Paul Kaiser
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 21:39:24 +0100


Well, I'm having some math problems.

I have four different buttons on my main screen, and a fifth movie on the
screen that represents the first four "added up". (The first four contain
images of sound waves, the fifth is what happens when certain of the waves
are added together).

Of course, each of the top four can be on or off. That leads to a total of
16 possible waveforms for the fifth movie at the bottom.

I was going to have the top four buttons behave like this:

Button 1: Add 1 if the sound is on, Subtract 1 if it is off.
Button 2: Add 10 if the sound is on, Subtract 10 if it is off.
Button 3: Add 100 if the sound is on, Subtract 100 if it is off.
Button 4: Add 1000 if the sound is on, Subtract 1000 if it is off.

Then, I need to manipulate the resulting value in such a way that it
becomes a number between 1 and 16 -- to direct the fifth movie to go to and
stop at one of the 16 key frames it has.

The problem is getting a final number that is 1 thru 16. I mean, I could
make a key frame at 1, at 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, and so on, but that
seems ridiculous.

Can anyone help, please?
Paul Kaiser

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  Re: FLASH: Buttons That Add Up, John Croteau
  Re: FLASH: Buttons That Add Up, Cheri Harder

  Re: FLASH: FLASH 4.5 Brainstorm!, John Croteau
  Re: FLASH: FLASH 4.5 Brainstorm!, Arcanus
  Re: FLASH: FLASH 4.5 Brainstorm!, Scott Ewen

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