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Subject: FLASH: SOS ! Persistent Crashes with Flash4
From: p-h
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 13:10:47 +0100

Hi there !

I'm really desparate : I've been fighting againts my computers for nearly 9
hours and I really don't know what to do...

My system repeatedly crashes when I'm trying to drand-and-drop some items
from the library pannel onto the movie. I first thouht it was the system so
I reinstalled Windows - and only succeeded in destroying my network setting

I downloaded a fresh version of the program - no change...

I then tried on another computer - worked fine for a minute or so then bingo
! - same problem !!

Here's the URL to the zipped .fla file, just in case someone would consider
having a look at it (in order to check if the library got corrupted in some
way - or - well - I really don't know...) :

http://www.spring.be/Master.zip (808Kb - sorry...)

Thanks a lot in advance - really

Kind regards


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  RE: FLASH: SOS ! Persistent Crashes with, JGL

  RE: FLASH: Flash: I need help with Tell , Chris Tifer

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