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Subject: Re: FLASH: Adobe LiveMotion
From: daniel gray
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 18:55:07 +0100

Sohrab Pirayesh wrote:

> >here is a really good breackdown of the pros and cons of livemotion.
> >
> >http://www.turtleshell.com/guide/lm.html

jason wrote:

> Intersting article. Not entirely fact based, but very useful for the most
> part, and somewhat more objective than the comparison at the Adobe site
> (http://www.adobe.com/products/livemotion/lvmvsflash.html).
> Joen lost some credibility for me by matter-of-factly stating (incorrectly)
> things which were clearly beyond her/his experience. As an example, it
> really _is_ possible to use the popular (though overrated) 3D
> trace/conversion programs in conjunction with LiveMotion.

While there are some good points brought up in this article, there are
factual errors, most specifically that LiveMotion is "bitmap-based".

Yes indeedy, LiveMotion will create bitmap objects, if you ask it to do so.

But ...

LiveMotion will produce a pure vector file *if* the designer creates the
file properly.

FWIW, I'll be illustrating tips & techniques for fast SWF files from
LiveMotion at WebDC next week.


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