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Subject: Re: FLASH: Help in Flash 5 beta
From: John Dowdell
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 20:02:33 +0100

At 1:08 PM 8/2/0, Philip Spiegel <pspiegelattsunamic [dot] com> wrote:
> I am having troubles in the flash 5 beta....

Excuse me, but... I'm assuming you just have a marvellously developed sense
of humor, right? (The alternatives are too distressing to contemplate.)

Une plus de fois:

At 1:39 PM 7/26/0, John Dowdell wrote:
>At 6:43 AM 7/26/0, Matt Spiegler wrote:
>> Does it exist? Can it be downloaded? My apologies if this question
>> has already been answered previously.
>(My apologies for those who have read this before... I need to make sure
>that each new thread requesting this have a reply, to avoid someone bumping
>into one of the repetitions and not seeing the source info.... ;-)
>The Macromedia Flash 5 authoring environment is in a private beta program.
>It is expected to pass acceptance tests towards September. At that time it
>will be available for purchase, and within a few days the trial wrappers
>should be added in and tested so you can run a free 30-day trial first.
>The Macromedia Flash 5 *Player* is currently in public beta. Please *do*
>download this, and tell us if any of your existing work plays at all
>differently... we're working hard to perfect 100% backwards-compatibility,
>but we need you to check that we didn't miss anything.
>Here's the link:
>Here's the info to send to flash5_playeratmacromedia [dot] com if needed:
>1) the URL and identifying section of the movie
>2) what should have happened, what didn't happen
>3) any info on unusual things occurring in that area of the movie
>btw, one of the older betas was unfortunately distributed by a trusted beta
>site to someone else, and copies are floating around on the net (as well as
>things *masquerading* as a Flash 5 beta, from what I learned today). If you
>find a new place that it pops up, then we'd greatly appreciate a note to
>wish-flashatmacromedia [dot] com and piracyatmacromedia [dot] com, thanks... software
>theft is definitely prosecuted. (The application has changed in many ways
>since that old beta, so it's really funky to have bad info floating
>around.) Thanks!

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