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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash Player 5 - ARRRG!
From: John Dowdell
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 20:14:29 +0100

At 5:42 AM 8/3/0, JGL wrote:
> Just curious why the Flash5 Beta player is available for public
> consumption. I thought it was a developers release only.

A beta build of the Macromedia Flash 5 Player is definitely public
available, which is how developers on this list get it.... ;-)

The main download pages definitely do continue with the current 4.0r28
version, so consumers get the 4.0 Player.

To access the current public beta players you need to go to the "Need
another player?" link:

It's entirely possible some non-developers would click that link and see
the public beta. They'd have to work to get it, though, and would certainly
know what they've got....

...hold it, considering that guy who downloaded something that said it was
an authoring tool beta and then asked people for advice here, ya never
know, the diversity of humankind is a continual source of amazement and, on
the good days, inspiration..... ;-)

(fwiw, there have been subsequent internal builds, but these haven't gone
through the testing needed to reach either private-beta or public-beta
status... it's not as simple as just putting up the day's working build.)


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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  Re: FLASH: Flash Player 5 - ARRRG!, Gregg Caines
  RE: FLASH: Flash Player 5 - ARRRG!, JGL
  FLASH: test, Greg Landry

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