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Subject: Re: FLASH: SOS ! Persistent Crashes with Flash4
From: John Dowdell
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 02:00:09 +0100

At 3:02 PM 8/3/0, p-h wrote:
> my deadline is approching (only 10 hours to go....

I'd like to see you meet your deadline. Unhappily, after reading those
posts I'm very unclear on the situation and can't usefully advise.

I understand something is crashing, and that you checked the integrity of
the application. I'm not clear whether you've yet checked the integrity of
the file.

hmm... I've already cleared my trash, but was this the post where you
dragged something from a library? If so, then it would be useful to see if
it's that movie, if it's that particular media element... putting that
media element into a new movie would be one way, or else trying to drag
other things within the original movie would be another way of finding
where the problem is.

Sorry the above is so vague, but I don't have much to grab onto, through
email... I would like to see you meet the deadline, though, if that
solidarity is of any use.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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