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Subject: RE: FLASH: Flash, Generator and Cold Fusion
From: Robert Bleeker
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 23:11:45 GMT


I hope you know a bit about ColdFusion!?:)

Here is a sample page to call ColdFusion:

<cfquery name=get datasource="myDataFile">SELECT * FROM

This page would return three variables "var1"&"var2"&"var3".
Name this page "getMyVar.cfm" and call it from flash with the following:

Load Variables ("getMyVar.cfm", "")


PS. ofcourse you have to replace the datasource name etc.!

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  RE: FLASH: Flash, Generator and Cold Fus, Robert Bleeker

  RE: FLASH: Flash, Generator and Cold Fus, Laurence I. Barsh, DMD

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