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Subject: RE: RE: Man, it really is fast (David Grisset) --was: Re: FLASH: OT: IE 5.5 Beta-- Man its fast. Branden Hall
From: King McCarthy
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 02:09:33 GMT

Wow! Now that was impressive writing (I mean that). Creative, positive,
thought provoking and inspirational.

Did you write that on a MAC or PC?


-----Original Message-----
From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Korhel
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 4:09 PM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: RE: RE: Man, it really is fast (David Grisset) --was: Re:
FLASH: OT: IE 5.5 Beta-- Man its fast. Branden Hall

Not to beat a corpse of an issue but these arguments over platform really
bring out the quibbler in me so I'll feel free to add a little observation..
not that this will even matter, as I'm just a name on a screen delivered
from a node on a web in the datasphere and nothing really gives till the
spider notices yer vibrations.. And she will, but, that's another story..

Creativity requires conceptualization. Conceptualization (or the free-flow
of ideas) requires the tools to create and make real those glyphs in the
head... Those tools being platform, hardware, software, whatever.. If the
free-flow is blocked then the idea is rarely created in it's original form..
Sure, you can sloppily jot down in shorthand what you may not even be able
to decipher later on but, most creative oevres were birthed on a whim;
capricious jaunts that were constructed with all the facets at hand.. If the
platform doesn't work when you need it to then your stumped.. Whether it's a
Mac or a PC, if it hinders the creative flow it has hampered the creation..
An ideal situation would be multiple platforms with multiple configurations
in software but, some of us aren't that financially bent..

Like the fella previous, use whatever excites ya.. And fer God's sake quit
wastin time arguing about which platform is better! Contrary to popular
belief the world is a subjective playground of opinion not an objective map
of fact.. So, no ones really going to exist anymore than anyone else by
trying to objectify the best possible world..

Mac-boy and PC-girl need to kiss and make up..


Uselton and his mouth...

-----Original Message-----
From: flashatvertca [dot] com [flashatvertca [dot] com (mailto:flashatvertca [dot] com)]
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 4:16 PM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: Re: RE: Man, it really is fast (David Grisset) --was: Re:
FLASH: OT: IE 5.5 Beta-- Man its fast. Branden Hall

Here is the way I think about it.... who cares what platform you use. If YOU
are happy with it, and the results are what you are looking for...then use

If I came to hire someone to do some flash related work and the portfolio
was outstanding... there is no way anyone is going to look at it and go
sorry... I won't hire you... you use a XXXXXXX computer system to create

Original Message:
I'm not biased either way when it comes to platform. I just would like to
reiterate the original point "The power is the person in front of the
screen" - what makes you think that NT operators don't use multiple screens
or scripting tools, small percentages do. The Mac has nothing more or less
to offer it just that NT/WIN operators tend to be a little more naive when
it comes to utilization of their toolset.


-----Original Message-----
From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Frederico
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 5:28 AM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: Is: Man, it really is fast (David Grisset) --was: Re: FLASH:
OT: IE 5.5 Beta-- Man its fast. Branden Hall

On 12/20/99 11:09 AM, David Grissett via davidattallent [dot] com, said:

>> I thought we were all past this platform thing. The power is the person
>> front of the system. Do you really believe you could actually look at
>> someone's site and design and tell what platform it was created on?


There's a lot more to it than just typefaces, when you sit on this side
of the platform you can more easily see why it matters, and how it
matters to just more than you.

And, without wishing to start another platform war, it is about a lot
more than the power of the person, I've quoted numerous examples before
of why Macs are more productive for graphics work, in particular, Flash,
and all you need is a Mac Guru (or some self-study) to set them up
properly to exploit the real power.

We recently hired on some hot-shot Flashers, they opted to bring in their
own NT boxes for the first couple of contracts. Their work is top-notch,
but their delivery time was unacceptable. As they watched their Mac
peers rip out twice as much work (on average) per day, one of them ( a
frequent poster to this list) decided to give one of our spare G3's with
five screens a try. After adding GoMac to get the task bar he thought he
needed, a couple days of learning how to exploit AppleScript and
multi-screens, he now says he's never going back . He's also now painfuly
aware of where his work was lacking previously. He and his NT fellowes
have submitted PO's to me for new G4s.

Trust me, if you take the time to learn it, and set it up properly, it
makes all the difference in the world.

(feel free to corroborate this when you get back from vacation, [name])

(PS: My last post was about information the prior poster needed to
correct some apparent misconceptions, and attempted to include some humor
at the same time. Sorry if you didn't get it.)


~Before I knew what was happening,
I was strapping wheels on a big, plastic cow.~


Win2000 is scheduled for release Q1 2K. Will you stand in line for it?

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  RE: RE: Man, it really is fast (David Gr, Korhel Shawn

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