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Subject: Re: FLASH: OT Mac vs PC?
From: Jo Mannion
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 03:15:44 GMT


I work at a university where we have both Macs and PC's. All I can say is
that working in a DOS based network (we use Novell) we have quite a few
problems using certain Multimedia applications on the Macs. Mostly saving
problems...like tryng to save a copy to the server. The worst of it is
that when it comes to troubleshooting there isn't much help because Mac
doesn't really support a windows server and visa versa.

Some time ago, I believe Macs were a better machine to work with Graphics,
but these days I think PC's are just as good.



At 08:07 PM 12/20/99 -0600, you wrote:
>OffTopic for Flash, but I figure someone on this list will have an opinion
>on this...
>As far as Mac's -VS- PC's go, why do most midi/and multimedia designers tend
>to go for Mac's? what are the advantages of doing so?
> I could see that if you went out and bought some crap bundled PC or
>referb, you will find yourself looking at bottlenecks all over the place
> especially for A/V production ), but if you build your own machine using
>top of the line components, shouldn't it be comparable or even more suitable
>than a Mac? What about for standard workstation use, any advantages over
>I understand that NT and other Win platforms can be unstable, especially
>when you have many other applications running, and I know many people hate
>Microsoft because it's so domineering, but I figure there has to be a more
>valid reason for the conversion. IMHO that NTServer and NTWorkstations,
>if configured correctly on descent hardware, work seamlessly, at least at
>the corps I've worked at.
>I have a client that is considering scrapping all their PC's for Macs
>because 2 workstations are running low on memory, which is an absurd and
>unnecessary fix. They do not run high end audio or multimedia applications,
>just a few intranet apps and a few DB's. I figure since I've heard so much
>hype about Macs I'd ask you guys what the benefits are before discouraging
>my client on this venture.
>What RDBMs are available for the Mac ( oracle, maybe access, but most
>certainly not SQLserver )...
>Is it easy to set up a Mac workstation on NTServer? We will at least need
>to use IIS for an ASP Intranet app ( I don't want to recode the whole damn
>thing in perl or php), and I'm not about to play around with unix and chilli
>extensions. I'm sick to hell hearing about all these people going off and
>buying 3rd party box then having it emulate a PC, why not go stick with what
>you're trying to emulate?
>What about printers? Do you have to buy the Apple printer with the Apple
>system, he he.. j/j....
>Please help me to understand this Mac conversion frenzy...
>Thank you.
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/ \ Jo Mannion
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  Re: FLASH: OT Mac vs PC?, Ricardo Sta. Rita

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