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Subject: Re: Re(2): FLASH: Bitmapped Images: File Formats
From: Karin Merx & Harry Druijf
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 11:31:56 GMT

On 24 Dec 99, at 10:24, Andreas Eidhagen wrote:

> Please help me... I need to know how to make simple animated games
> using the key command, I would also like to know what sound formats
> flash 4 can take, when I try to export a .mid file it becomes a movie
> instead of a sound...please help me...

I don't know about games but sound import for flash4 is aiff for the
mac and wav for the pc. Export (look at the properties of your
soundfile in flash 4, there are the compressions it can make.)


Beeldendekunst, grafisch ontwerp, webontwerp
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Karin Merx & Harry Druijf
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  Re(2): FLASH: Bitmapped Images: File For, Andreas Eidhagen

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